speak daily affirmations

Affirmations to speak life, Love, and Dreams into existence

Affirmations have the power to change your life and the world around you. This is true because words have power. Whether your words are affirming or condemning, they affect you, other people, and the world around you.

Proverbs 18:21 states: “Life and death are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.”

When you open your mouth, you are releasing life or death through the words you speak. Your tongue can release love, joy, passion, and hope into the world. Or your tongue can unleash weapons of mass destruction.

The beautiful thing about this is that you get to choose your words. Therefore, you get to choose life.

Your words can change the world. So, determine the world you want to live in and start creating it by choosing the daily affirmations that will speak it into existence.

affirmations Flow from Your Heart

When you begin to speak affirmations every day, you will become sensitive to the spiritual energy that surrounds you. You will see amazing changes in your life as you gain an awareness of your self-talk and the words that you say to other people,

Speaking affirmations – words of positivity and power – will cause your ears and heart to become highly sensitive to internal negative chatter. You will gain speed and strength on cutting off the negativity before it gains momentum.

From the overflow of your heart your mouth will speak (Matthew 12:34). Your heart’s internal dialogue will change, which will express itself through your actions. Then you will enter a circle of power. Your words will affect your actions, and your actions will affect your words. This circle of power will destroy negative spiritual energy, both internally and externally.

Speak life. Speak love. Speak your dreams.

To harness the power of affirmations, begin and end each day with life-giving words. Declare that you will intentionally live a blessed and beautiful life. Pack your words with power and watch them affect your behavior and attitude.

Talk about your dreams. Give voice to your vision. God desires to bless you, and His plans for you are bigger than you can imagine. When you use affirmations to bring your dreams to light, they become a living, breathing entity. Your passions and purpose are laid bare, and God delights to fulfill your dreams for you.

Witness the power of your words to affect not just your life but the lives of the people around you. When you plant seeds of positivity, you will reap a beautiful harvest of healthy, nourishing, and life-giving fruit. And everyone who eats this fruit will produce fruit in kind. After all, a tree is known by the fruit it produces (Luke 6:44).

Start Speaking Daily Affirmations Today

Here are a few Scripture-based affirmations to get you started. You can speak words of life from the time you wake up until you go to sleep. And even while you slumber, the words will infuse your dreams.

God loves me. I love God. I love myself. I love others as I love myself because I love myself.

These are the most powerful affirmations that you can speak. They all go together because God loves, and He is love. His love is perfect, and when His love is in us, we can love as He loves.

When Yeshua was asked what the greatest commandment was, he replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind [and] love your neighbor as yourself’ (Matthew 22: 37,39).

You must love God first. You must have God’s love in you to love yourself and other people.

Speaking the truth of God’s love will bring about an amazing life transformation. When you speak this daily affirmation into your life, you open yourself to the limitless power of God’s love.

God’s perfect love triumphs over fear (1 John 4:18).

God did not give me a spirit of fear, but of power and love and self-discipline (sound mind, self-control) (2 Timothy 1:7).

In the Bible, we are told to not be afraid many times and in different ways: Do not be afraid. Fear not. Have courage. Do not fear what they fear.

God says in Isaiah 41:10 “Do not fear, for I am with you.” Knowing that God is with us every day, all day long, makes it possible to live in faith and not in fear. 

So, what do you need to be afraid of? N-O-T-H-I-N-G! Absolutely nothing!

I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13

Decide to eliminate the words “I can’t” from your vocabulary.

If you take stock of your life, you will find evidence that you met challenges, overcame obstacles, and achieved goals. You did not always have a clear path. Sometimes you were knees-knocking scared. But you stepped up and stepped out on faith.

In every challenge you met, every obstacle you overcame, every goal you achieved, you declared “I can.”

Once you decide to never say “I can’t” again, those words will sound harsh to your ears. And the Spirit of God within you will remind that you can say “I can” with confidence. Because you will know that if it’s the will of God, you can do anything through Him who strengthens you.

I am beautiful.

This is not a declaration of vanity. Rather, it is an affirmation that you are fearfully and wonderfully made by God, the Master Craftsman. Accept your beauty as a fact that does not need anyone else’s validation or approval.

Know that that woman in your mirror deserves to be spoken to with kindness. She deserves to be built up and not torn down. So, look yourself in the eyes each day and express your admiration, acceptance, and appreciation for the woman who is looking back at you.

The Power of Affirmations

Moses said to the Israelites in Deuteronomy 30:19-20 “…I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the LORD your God, listen to His voice and hold fast to Him.”

God is truth and love and life. The desire of His heart is to bless you.

When you speak affirmations every day, you align the desires of your heart with God’s desire to give you a long life on the earth. He wants to make you prosperous, provide for you, and protect you. Your Father wants to flood you with His love you for eternity. And, ultimately, He wants to give you eternal life and bring you home to live with Him in His Kingdom.

Wise Woman, use the power of daily affirmations to speak into existence the life that God wants for you because you know and obey Him, and He wants only the best for you.

Speak love. Speak life. Speak your dreams into existence.

More Articles for the Wise Woman:

Perfect Love for the Wise Woman

Freedom in Forgiveness for the Wise Woman

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