Freedom in forgiveness is real, and it is a great blessing. This freedom comes as a result of obeying God’s command to forgive others. You are free when you know that God has forgiven you and you are able to forgive others.
Yeshua tells us in Matthew 6:14-15 that if we want to be forgiven by God, we must be willing to forgive other people:
[bctt tweet=”“For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.” Matthew 6:14-15″ username=”buildalliance”]
Once you experience freedom in forgiveness, you will be unwilling to be burdened by unforgiveness ever again.
The Wise Woman Forgives Completely
The Wise Woman who wants to have a healthy and blessed marriage will seek God’s forgiveness for herself. She knows that to have a healthy marriage, her house must be cleansed of the residue of unforgiveness. Therefore, she humbles herself before God, seeking His forgiveness and asking Him to help her forgive others, especially her husband.
She knows that her marriage will benefit from her act of forgiveness. She recognizes that hurts and offenses have disrupted the sanctuary of intimacy between herself and her husband. After all, they are both imperfect people who have behaved imperfectly.
But the Wise Woman trusts her Father with her heart. She knows that God will guard her heart as He empowers her to forgive her husband. Also, she commits her husband to God, knowing that He will work in her husband to bring about his ability to forgive her. She understands that each person has to seek God’s forgiveness for themselves.
By turning herself over to God, she knows that God can work in their marriage to bring about healing and wholeness. She will not allow the stronghold of unforgiveness to continue to block God’s blessings in her marriage because she wants the fullness of God’s blessing that forgiveness will bring about.
Freedom in Forgiveness Is a Two-Fold Blessing
God tells us to forgive anyone their debts (or transgressions) if we want ours to be forgiven by Him. It does not matter the type or size of the debt. We must forgive everyone for everything. This is because any sin that is committed against us is insignificant in comparison to the sin-debt that we owe to God. If anyone fails to repent and ask God for forgiveness, then their debt remains. And the only way to pay the debt of sin is by the ultimate penalty: death and separation from God for eternity: “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Messiah Yeshua our Lord” Romans 6:23 (NIV).
God’s command to us to forgive others is a two-fold blessing: When God forgives us, He frees us from all of the debt that we owe Him. And when we forgive others, we are set free from carrying the burden of unforgiveness.
Forgiveness is powerful. The person who is forgiven by God gains their own freedom for eternity. And when that person forgives others, they gain their freedom internally as well.
Every person has to seek forgiveness from God. And God is willing to forgive anyone as long as that person is willing to forgive everyone.
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