perfect love

Perfect Love for the Wise Woman

Perfect love. Does this kind of love exist? Can two human beings experience a love that even comes close to perfection? Can they have a love that never grows old, never diminishes, and is always equal between the two parties?

What Is Your Definition of Love?

Many people have tried to define love, but no one has ever truly succeeded. This is because love is not just a noun or a verb. It is both the act and the action. It has many means of expression such that the way that love is given and experienced depends on the people in a particular relationship. People love different people differently.

A woman who loves her husband loves him differently than she loves her child. That same woman has a different kind of love for her parents than she does for her brothers and sisters. She loves her own children differently than she loves her nieces and nephews.

There are different degrees of love. Some people love one child more than another. The woman who loves a child who is not her own loves her own child differently; most often she loves her child more. She might have a favorite friend who is designated as her best friend whom she loves more than she loves her other friends. She might be the kind of person who loves animals more than she loves people.

Where Can We Find Perfect Love?

Human love is beautiful and it exists in many forms. Human love has heights and depths. It can be gained and lost. Human love can cause weakness, and it can be a source of strength. All these variables in human love show one perfect truth about human love: human love is not perfect.

Perfect love is always the same. It is consistent, immeasurable, and equally given. There is no favoritism or discrimination in perfect love. True love is unending, persistent, and eternal.

The Wise Woman knows that there is only one Source for perfect love: God.

God is love.


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